Continuous professional development ensures your child is receiving the best care
I feel it is important to continually update and improve my skill set to ensure the service I provide is of the highest quality and is inline with current best practice. Training opportunities are sought at all times and have included (amongst others):
- SCQF Level 7 Award in Forest Kindergarten
- SVQ 3 Health and Social Care Children and Young People (SCQF Level 7)
- Asthma Online training
- SOSCN - Supporting healthy development of children through physical activity
- Good sleep guidance training (Scottish Cot Death Trust)
- Early Years Autism
- Practising positive behaviour patterns
- Health and hygiene
- First aid - paediatric
- Child protection - Introduction to Building the Ambition
- Setting the Table - in practice
- Elementary food and health certificate
- GIRFEC - introduction to EYC and insight into SHANARRI
- First aid - mental health
- NHS Health start course
- Tears, tantrums and you
- Speech and Language in Children
- Internet Safety - Falkirk Council
- Oral health training
- Open Learning - Food hygiene
- SSSC Code of practice